The College endeavours to create an environment that is open to all. A number of accessibility measures have been introduced to improve access for visitors and members with disabilities. Recent building projects have been designed with accessible facilities and the College will continue to strive to improve accessibility where possible.
The Shulman Auditorium | Hall | Lower Library | New Library | Lecture Room B | Small Teaching Room | Front Quad | Back Quad | New Dining Room | Carrodus Quad | Late Gate | Bedroom | W/C
The following maps have been prepared to help those who wish to visit Queen’s or use our services:
You can find the precise 3m x 3m location of entrances around the College using the what3words app or website. The exact locations of our entrances are:
For specific disability access information, or if you need wheelchair access, please contact the Lodge on 01865 279120 or email

We welcome comments and feedback on any accessibility issue pertaining to the College. Please submit your comments by email, mail, telephone, or in person. The College looks forward to your feedback and will work to ensure that it is accessible to all of its visitors and members to the maximum extent possible.
If you need medical attention, please use one of the following:
- Ring the College Doctors at 19 Beaumont Street for a GP appointment –Â 01865 240501
- Ring 111 for  medical advice
- Go to A & E at the JR Hospital in an emergency (the Lodge can help call for a taxi)
- Dial 999 in a dire emergency
Always inform the Lodge (01865 279120) if you need emergency assistance as they can assist you and inform (with your consent) the Decanal Team who lead on welfare, relevant tutors and staff members who will advise your family and friends of your whereabouts.
The College Doctors offer comprehensive primary medical care within the National Health Service. The doctors are independent of the College and cater for the full range of physical and mental health problems:
Dr Kenyon and Partners
19 Beaumont Street
Oxford OX1 2NA
Telephone – 01865 240501
The College Doctor Practice is open Monday – Friday from 08:00  to 18:00
More information about the Practice is available at
In an emergency you should call the appropriate emergency service and inform the Porters Lodge (01865 279120)Â so that they can direct them when they arrive.
Life as a student can be great fun, but it can also be tough at times, especially if living away from home for the first time. If problems do arise, a range of people in the College, the University, the National Health Service and the wider community are available to provide help or advice. The College’s welfare activities are guided by the Welfare Statement. All students should familiarise themselves with the statement so that they are aware of the scope of support available within College.
There are particular challenges that you may face at university—leaving home, moving to a city or country you don’t know, living in a large institution rather than a home, missing your friends or family, having to get on with people you might not have chosen to live with, adjusting to independent study and research, managing your own finances, and having to make decisions about everything from what to eat to how to prioritise your work. It is natural to find changes like these stressful or overwhelming.
All of us are best placed to do our academic work when we look after both our physical and mental wellbeing. There are certain choices that are generally helpful and increase our chances of being well: getting enough sleep, eating regularly and well, making sure we move about and get fresh air, taking breaks, practicing good self-care. Our health is important, and simple strategies like this can have a real impact on our wellbeing and, by extension, our academic work.
Even when you feel you are used to university life, there will be new challenges and transitions along the way, and while student life can be fun, it can also be tough at times. There are times when things can get too much, even with the healthiest of lifestyles, and we’re here to support you when you need it. If you are struggling with something, it’s always better to seek support and advice sooner rather than later. There is a wealth of support available from the College, the University, and beyond. No matter how small or large you think a problem is, we can point you in the right direction — all you have to do is ask.
Help within College
- Welfare Officer – email to set up an appointment or pop by their room in FQ5a/3a for a chat. For students with accessibility needs, an alternative room can be booked.
- Chaplain – email
- 7pm – 7am on weekdays and from 7pm Friday – 7am Monday
- 0th-9th week
- Junior Deans can be contacted on or call the Porters Lodge on 01865 279120 and ask to be put through to the on-call Junior Dean
- College welfare provision is reduced outside of full term as described in the Welfare Statement.
- Students applying for vacation residence and staying beyond the end of term should be mindful of the change in services when considering whether to apply.
- University services continue to operate during the vacations
The Tutor for Welfare, Prof Keyna O’Reilly, leads on welfare in the College. She is assisted by the Welfare Officer and a team of Junior Deans.
- The Welfare Officer coordinates welfare provision in College, and is the first port of call for students on any issues relating to welfare and wellbeing. They can be contacted via or on 01865 289137. Meetings are available by appointment within office hours between 0th – 9th week of term.
- You are always welcome to come for a cup of tea and a chat in confidence, no matter how formal or informal, general or specific, whether it’s about you or someone else – you won’t be judged. The Welfare Officer can advise you on sources and avenues of support, talk through your options, signpost to available services in Oxford if need be, or just offer a listening ear. If you are struggling with something, it’s always better to seek advice and support sooner rather than later.
The Queen’s College is committed to providing a setting within which every student can flourish and fulfil their potential.
The Junior Deans are graduate students who live on the main College site (in Back Quad), Carrodus Quad, St Aldate’s House and Cardo. There are also Decanal Assistants (DAs) in the Venneit Close and Oxley-Wright buildings. All these people have been chosen by the College as key contacts for welfare concerns. A Junior Dean is on duty overnight every day of the week (7pm to 7am) to deal with emergencies.
You can talk to Junior Deans confidentially if you’re having any kind of social, emotional, or psychological problem – you won’t be judged. If you would like to speak to a Junior Dean, you can organise a meeting by emailing the team. In case of emergency, contact the Lodge who will put you in touch with the on-duty Junior Dean.
The Junior Deans hold termly welfare events. Look out for invitations in your inbox.
The Junior Deans can be contacted via
The College Chaplain is also part of the welfare team but is outside the academic, disciplinary, and medical procedures of the College. She is happy to speak in confidence with any member of the College, regardless of religious affiliation.
Every undergraduate student is assigned a Personal Tutor and each graduate student is assigned a College Advisor. Personal Tutors and College Advisors are responsible for students’ academic and pastoral care. Personal Tutors and College Advisors are usually a senior member of the College who knows a student best and is the first source of help for many problems.
The Academic Administrator Cameron Ott will be the College’s Disability Coordinator. She works closely with the University’s Disability Advisory Service and assists with the implementation of support plans, including alternative examination arrangements. Speak to Cameron if you have any questions about support options for a disability or long-term illness.
- Email:
- Telephone: 279167
- Drop into the College Office (FQ 2/2)
Each year, the JCR elects two welfare representatives who act as a point of call for the whole JCR on welfare-related issues, liaise with College on factors affecting student welfare, and organise events to promote happiness and wellbeing across the JCR. They are also available to speak to, in confidence, about anything which might be affecting student happiness or health, and to provide support. They sit on the College’s Student Finance Committee, and act as the JCR representatives to support academic applications or applications for financial assistance. Every 5th week of Term, they provide a variety of activities for the whole JCR, ranging from petting zoos in College to Jazz nights in the bar! Finally, they provide free contraception to the JCR as a whole, and reimbursement for emergency contraception.
Every student (JCR and MCR) coming up to Queen’s is assigned two College parents to help them adjust to life in Oxford. For undergraduates, College parents are second-years, one of whom studies your subject, who act as a port of call in Freshers’ week and for your whole first year.
Whether it’s helping you move in to your room on the first day, giving you notes for your first problem sheet, or introducing you to Oxford’s social life, College parents play a big part in everyone’s first year at Queen’s.
Please visit the MCR website for details of the welfare reps.
On Sunday of 5th week of every term, the Welfare reps organise a welfare brunch for the entire JCR with plenty of food for everyone!
Study buddies are second-years in each subject who support first years with their academic work throughout their first year – most Freshers meet their study buddy in Freshers’ week, where they give help and support on their first essay, and meet regularly with them until their first set of exams (Prelims or Mods). Some study buddies give notes or revision classes before exams, and hopefully make settling in to the academic intensity of Oxford a lot easier!
University services
Visit the University’s Welfare and Wellbeing webpages for a full list of the services and help available to you during your time at Oxford.
The University Counselling Service provides a wide range of services which are freely available to all students.