Current Members
Full access to the Library is restricted to current members of the College, who may access the Lower Library and New Library 24 hours a day. The Upper Library is closed outside staffed hours.
Students may show visitors around without an appointment at the weekend during term time. Otherwise, advance permission from the library staff must be sought to bring guests at other times. Guests should always be introduced at the enquiry desk on arrival.
Old Members
If you spent time in the Library during your time at Queen’s, you will probably have fond memories of your time studying here, perhaps especially of the Upper Library.
We understand that Old Members like to relive their time in the Library and you are welcome to visit. Please contact the Old Members Office in the first instance if you are planning to visit the College. We are not always able to permit visitors without an appointment during term time, so it is always best to arrange your visit in advance.
External Readers
Non-members of the College, including those from other colleges in Oxford, wishing to use special collections or consult items unique to Queen’s must make an appointment before visiting as facilities for external readers are limited. Please email the Library with your requirements as far in advance as possible to ensure we can accommodate you. We regret that we are not able to accommodate every external reader request.
All requests for filming in the Library should be directed to the Domestic Bursar in the first instance.