This page relates to funding for both undergraduates and postgraduates. For scholarships funding postgraduate courses, please visit the dedicated page for graduate funding opportunities that details the awards available this year.

UK students

UK students are eligible to apply for various student loans. Information about student funding and course fees can be found on the University’s Fees and Funding pages.

Overseas students

Overseas students can also find information about funding and course fees on the University’s Fees and Funding pages.

Support from the College

The University and its colleges are firmly committed to the principle that access to Oxford should not depend on financial circumstances. Queen’s has a tradition of supporting its members generously. We budget around £90,000 a year for student support; grants and loans are awarded by a student finance committee which meets twice per term to consider applications. The committee is attended by undergraduate and postgraduate welfare representatives. If you find yourself in severe financial hardship you can apply to this committee. Please see the Undergraduate Financial Assistance tab below.

There are various additional funds that offer support to students in particular circumstances, including a substantial fund established by Old Members of the College to assist students in the pursuit of educational, sporting, and cultural activities arising from their life at College. Please find full details of all the funds and prizes below. 

To celebrate the College’s 650th Anniversary, Old Members of the College set up a Trust Fund to disburse awards to current members in the region of £150 – £500 for a variety of cultural and sporting activities. Applications are open at the start of the calendar year.

Academic support grants are available to assist you with costs associated with your study such as conference attendance, travel, and registration fees. We will typically award undergraduates a maximum of £390 per year over the course of a degree.

Academic support grant application form.

Such awards are made to second, third or fourth year undergraduates by the Governing Body in Michaelmas Term.  Each award is for the current academic year only, but may be renewed for continued good academic performance. Excellent performance in University examinations and /or College collections during the first or second year of undergraduate study in Oxford may be recognised by the award of an Exhibition to the value of £150 or a Junior Scholarship to the value of £300.  At the end of the second year of study in Oxford (which for a student spending the second year abroad would be the third year of study), any student previously awarded an Exhibition or a Junior Scholarship may be awarded a Scholarship to the value of £450 for sustained academic excellence. Any undergraduate who holds one of these awards may wear a scholar’s gown, the cost of which will be reimbursed by the College on proof of purchase.

Up to 12 such prizes (with a value of £100 each) are awarded annually to undergraduate and graduate Junior Members in recognition of non-academic contributions to the life of the College, subject to at least satisfactory academic performance. Nominations may be made by any member of the College no later than Friday of 4th week of Trinity Term, and the nomination process allows for self-nomination.

Awarded annually to the most meritorious of those beginning their last year of undergraduate studies in the Final Honour School of Modern History or any Joint Final Honour school (including Literae Humaniores) involving the study of Ancient or Modern History.

The College’s book grant scheme awards up to 100% of the amount spent on books, electronic learning resources & academic equipment up to £150, times the duration of the course in years.

Book Grant applications will be considered on a rolling basis throughout the academic year, but not during the Summer or Christmas vacations. All applications must be submitted within the academic year of purchase.

Book Grants may also be used towards the cost of electronic learning resources and academic equipment. All materials purchased must have relevance to your current academic course.

Book grant application form

Awarded for the most meritorious translation into English of a passage of Greek and a passage of Latin in Trinity Term of even years.

Awarded annually to the undergraduate member in his or her final year who has made the greatest contribution to College sport.

Awarded in Hilary Term of every year for an essay on some aspect of contemporary European political, philosophical, or economic life.

Each year all new UK students at Oxford whose household income is assessed as £27,500 or less by the Student Loans Company (SLC) are selected to receive an annual bursary through the Crankstart Scholarship programme.

The scheme, which was launched in 2012 following a generous donation from Sir Michael Moritz and Ms Harriet Heyman, combines additional financial support with tailored on-course assistance provided by the Crankstart Scholarship team and the Careers Service.

As a Crankstart Scholar you will have the opportunity to access tailored internship support from the Oxford Careers Service and to attend a range of formal and informal events for scholars. Scholars are also encouraged to volunteer, either through outreach work or within their local community.

For more information please visit the Crankstart Scholarship pages on the University website or contact the team at

Awarded annually to any undergraduate member of the College who has exhibited most academic distinction in his or her studies where these have been relevant to the promotion of a better understanding and awareness of the historical, cultural and economic relationship between Great Britain and the Arab world.

Awarded annually to Clinical Medical students in their penultimate year.

The College offers a partial reimbursement of course fees for Fast-Track courses at the Language Centre. This applies only to Fast-Track courses, and not to the General or Academic courses. In the case of Fast-Track courses, students are required to pay for the course upfront and present receipts afterwards, and will receive half the cost as a reimbursement upon successful completion of the course. Further information can be found by visiting this link.

The purpose of the gift is to establish the Gwanghoon Lee Prize in Materials Science. This prize of £150 will be awarded on an annual basis for excellence in Prelims in memory of Gwanghoon Lee.

The Hawley Fund is intended to provide our students with funding to pursue opportunities and experiences that may be directly or indirectly related to the recipient’s future career plans. The hope is that recipients will use their award to seek out broadening experiences that may help them make good career decisions. These may or may not be directly related to their field of study.

The donor’s wish is to help students who display initiative and enterprise in going after opportunities that will lead to fulfilling and productive careers/lives.

The Hawley Fund aims to fund one to two students per year for either 100% or 50% of the total spend. To apply, please send details of your proposed plans and the relevant costs to the Fellowship and Tutorial Administrator by email: The deadline for applications is Wednesday of 5th Week in Trinity Term. Applications received by this date will be considered by the Student Finance Committee and the successful recipients notified by the end of Week 7.

Awarded annually for books (or equivalent subject-related resources) to an undergraduate student who has been recognised by the current Chair of Egyptology for notable performance in the fields of Egyptology or related subjects in the First Public Examinations and/or the Final Honour School. If so thought fit by the Chair of Egyptology, the benefaction may be used in other charitable manners as shall encourage studies in these areas.

Students reading History and Joint Schools, Classics and Joint Schools, Egyptology, and Ancient and Near Eastern Studies may also be eligible to receive an Historical Studies Scholarship. Eligibility is tied to eligibility for the Oxford Bursary and Crankstart Scholarship schemes. Any student in receipt of an Oxford Bursary or Crankstart Scholarship will automatically receive a Queen’s College Historical Studies Scholarship, which will be credited to their batells in termly instalments. The amount of the Historical Studies Scholarship depends on annual household income and ranges from £1,080 to £540 per annum. There is no separate application process for the Queen’s College Historical Studies Scholarship. Eligible students will automatically be notified of their entitlement from mid- to late September 2025.

Awarded annually to undergraduate members of the College whose work for the Final Honour School has been clearly assessed by their tutors as being of first class standard but who failed to achieve first class honours in the final examination or to be awarded any other prize as a result of that examination.

Queen’s is one of the colleges that participate in the scholarship scheme run by the Jardine Foundation, which offers full bursaries for students from Cambodia, mainland China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. For more details, visit the Jardine Foundation website.

Awarded annually to graduates of the College attaining First or Second Class Honours degrees in the final examination in (a) Natural Sciences and (b) English or History (whether Ancient or Modern), with a first preference for students educated at St Bees School, for students born in Cumberland, and then without restriction.

The Laming fund is intended to support costs related to study abroad that are not covered by other existing sources of funding (e.g. assistantship scheme, other paid work, other grants). Consistent with the deed of the Laming fund, linguistic immersion should always be the main goal.

Students can apply for support from the Laming fund via the College’s Academic Support Grant form. Since subject tutors must approve Academic Support Grant applications, students should discuss their plans with their tutor before submitting their form.

Students may apply for support from the Laming fund to study at a foreign university or on a dedicated language course; the fund can also cover travel to and participation in other opportunities of linguistic immersion overseas, e.g. a short trip outside the year abroad.

Students can apply for support from the Laming fund both during and before or after the year abroad, up to a maximum of £3000 during the course of their degree.

N.B. The Laming fund is not used to reimburse book purchases, nor food while living abroad.

Students in receipt of this grant must be undergraduate students at the College and have started their course in or after October 2019.  On the first day of the academic year, they must have been assessed as home fee status and have a home address within the UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands, or the Republic of Ireland and located 125 miles or more from the College (as defined by the long-distance calculator).  They must be resident in Oxford for the term.

They will then be entitled to a non-repayable grant of £100 per term (£300 per year), intended to cover travel costs to and from Oxford.

This scheme began in October 2019 and has currently been renewed until 1 October 2025.

Awarded in Trinity term of each year to undergraduate members of the College (including those with senior status) reading for the Final Honour School in English or joint Final Honour Schools with English, for the best tutorial essay written in the current academic year.

Awarded annually on the result of a translation paper which is sat in the first week of Trinity Term.

Organ Scholarships, each with a value of £300 p.a.  are offered at the time of admission to ensure as far as possible that there are always two such award holders in residence at any one time.  Instrumental awards are offered after admission in the years that no organ award holder is admitted with a value of £200 p.a. for a Scholarship and £150 p.a. for an Exhibition.  Normally six Choral Scholarships (value £300 p.a.) are offered each year either at or after admission.  All music awards are tenable for one academic year only.  They are renewable subject to satisfactory performance, and, in the case of Choral Scholarships, subject to the rule that there shall be a maximum of 18 Choral Scholars at any time.


The University operates the Oxford Bursaries scheme to offer grants and bursaries to UK students from lower income backgrounds. Bursaries vary depending on your family’s income. For more information, visit the Oxford Support page of the University website.

Phillip Tudor Harries Prize in AMES is to be awarded for performance in Finals

The Pippa Koller Prize provides funds for sporting endeavours of Queen’s students who identify as women. Preference is given to those who have taken up a sport as a novice since commencing their studies at Oxford. Those eligible will be automatically considered. The prize is offered in memory of Old Member Pippa Koller (Engineering, Economics & Management, 1992) who died in 2017.

An in memoriam gift to remember SCR butler Robert Saberton-Haynes and to recognise his contributions to the life and work of the College over many years. The prize is given annually in Trinity Term to two junior members, excluding those in their final term, who have made excellent contributions to academic and non-academic College life over the past year and who consistently demonstrate and uphold the values of the College.

Awarded annually for excellent performance in any History paper relating to the 18th Century.

Awarded annually at the beginning of Michaelmas Term to undergraduates beginning their third year of study in the Final Honour School of Mathematics, Mathematics & Philosophy, Mathematics & Statistics or Mathematics & Computation.

Applications for the sports subscription grant are processed once per year, and the deadline for submission is 12pm on Wednesday of 5th Week in Trinity Term. This Grant applies to membership subs only, and is not intended to cover the cost of kit or sports equipment.

University sports subscriptions application form

The Walter Pater grants are open to both JCR and MCR members and are awarded by a committee of SCR members. The grants provide funding to foster engagement with the arts at Queen’s; they do not support University arts activities nor individual activities. We would generally expect supported events to take place within Queen’s. It is expected that most grants will be not more than £500, but the case can be made for larger amounts up to £1000.

Applications must be submitted by 12 noon on Wednesday of week 2.

Walter Pater grant application form

I have been fortunate enough to receive a book grant four times over the last two years at Queen’s. I heard about it through emails sent around by the College Office and was advised to apply by my College mentor. The process is wonderfully straightforward and easy and takes very little time out of a very busy schedule to complete. 

Mary, undergraduate student