Number available
Up to two.
Available for 2025 entry.
Candidates for a DPhil in an eligible AHRC subject. For 2025-26 entry, Queen’s particularly welcomes DPhil applications in English and Fine Art.
The candidates must meet the criteria for funding set out in the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) Terms and Conditions.
The full DPhil course fee and a stipend for living costs (at the UK Research Councils’ minimum doctoral stipend rate) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the AHRC’s grant.
A minimum of three years and three months.
How to apply
Candidates will need to apply for their chosen course at the University of Oxford by the relevant application deadline. Candidates will need to submit an OOC AHRC DTP application form and indicate that they wish to apply to the DTP scheme as part of the application process.
For further information, please see How to Apply | Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership.
Awarded by
The Queen’s College in conjunction with Open-Oxford-Cambridge Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership.