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Lindita Skendi
Dr Jakub Skrzeczkowski
Stipendiary Lecturer in Mathematics
Prof Emma Slack
Barclay Williams Professor for Molecular Mucosal Immunology
Prof John Sloboda OBE FBA
Honorary Fellow
Mary Ann Smart
Former Distinguished Visitor
Prof Jason Smith
Lecturer in Materials Science
Sandra Smith
Administrator of the Provost’s Office
Roslyn Smith
Buttery Assistant
Jen Stedman
Old Members' Officer
Lord Nicholas Stern FBA, MA Camb, DPhil Oxf
Jacob Sternberg
Choir Manager
Ana Stoienescu
French Lectrice
Roy Sutherland
Prof Paolo Tammaro
Fellow in Pharmacology and Michel Fellow
Harassment Advisor (male)
Claire Taylor MBE
Prof Robert Taylor
Fellow in Physics
Professor of Condensed Matter Physics
Tutor for Admissions
Entertainment Secretary
Wine Steward