Nicholas Dimsdale was educated at King’s College, Cambridge, gaining a First Class Honours degree in Economics in 1959. He then pursued graduate studies at Harvard and Cambridge from 1959 to 1961.
In 1961, Nicholas was appointed Fellow and Tutor in Economics at The Queen’s College. He served as Estates Bursar for the College from 1977 to 1995, and was made an Emeritus Fellow in 2004.
From 1965 to 1966, Nicholas was an Economic Adviser at the Department of Economic Affairs, and he later acted as Consultant for the National Economic Development Office (1993). He was Managing Editor of Oxford Economic Papers from 1980 to 1989, and continues to be a member of the editorial board.
Nicholas’s other academic appointments include a Visiting Fellowship at ANU, Canberra (1995); a Research Associateship at Oxford Winton Institute for Monetary History (2011); and two Associate Fellowship at Nuffield College, Oxford (2013-15 and 2021 onwards).
- Dimsdale, N.H. and A.J.Glyn (1971), ‘Investment in British Industry: A Cross-sectional Approach’, Bulletin of Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics. August.
- Dimsdale, N.H. (1975), ‘Keynes and the Finance of the First World War’, in Essays on J.M.Keynes ed. Milo Keynes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- (1981) ‘British Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate 1920-1938’, Oxford Economic Papers July, Supplement.
- (1982) ‘The Treasury and Civil Service Committee and the British Monetarist Experiment’ , in Advances in Economic Theory ed. M. Baranzini. Oxford: Blackwell.
- (1984) ‘ Employment and Real Wages in the Interwar Period’, National Institute Economic Review. November.
- (1987) ‘Keynes on British Budgetary Policy 1910-1946’, in Private Saving and Public Debt ed. M.Boskin, J.S.Flemming and S.Gorini. Oxford: Blackwell.
- (1988) ‘Keynes on Interwar Economic Policy’, in Keynes and Economic Policy: The General Theory after 50 Years, ed W.A.Eltis and P.J.N.Sinclair. London: Macmillan.
- Dimsdale, N.H., S.J.Nickell and N.J.Horsewood (1989), ‘Unemployment and Real Wages in the 1930s’, Economic Journal. June.
- Dimsdale, N.H., S.J.Nickell and N.J.Horsewood (1989), ‘Employment and Wage Flexibility in Interwar Britain’, Discussion Paper No 71, Institute of Economics and Statistics, Oxford.
- Dimsdale, N.H. (1990), ‘Money, Interest and Cycles in Britain since 1830’, in Essays in Honour of Sir John Hicks, Greek Economic Review, Supplement, ed. A.S. Courakis and C.A.E. Goodhart.
- (1991) ‘British Monetary Policy since 1945’, in The British Economy since 1945, in The British Economy since the Second World War, ed. N.F.R.Crafts and V.Woodward. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dimsdale, N.H. and N.J.Horsewood (1991), ‘A Model of the UK Economy in the Interwar Period’, European Economic Review. Vol 36.
- Crafts, N.F.R., N.H.Dimsdale and S.Engerman (eds) (1992), Quantitative Economic History, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dimsdale, N.H. and M . Prevezer (eds) (1994), Capital Markets and Corporate Governance, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Dimsdale, N.H.(1994), ‘Banks, Capital Markets and The Transmission Mechanism’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy. Vol. 10.
- Dimsdale, N.H. and Horsewood, N.J.(1995), ‘Fiscal Policy and Employment in Interwar Britain: Some Evidence from a New Model’, Oxford Economic Papers. Vol.47.
- Dimsdale, N.H.and J.S.Chada (1999), ‘A Long View of Real Interest Rates’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy. Vol. 15.
- Dimsdale, N.H. and N.J.Horsewood (2002), ‘The Causes of Unemployment in Interwar Australia’, Economic Record, December.
- Dimsdale, N.H. (2005), ‘Harrod and Interwar Economics’, Oxford Economic Papers.
- Dimsdale, N.H., N.J.Horsewood and A.Van Riel (2006), ‘Unemployment in Interwar Germany:An Analysis of the Labor Market,1927-1936.’ Journal of Economic History, Sept.
- Dimsdale, N.H. (2010), ‘The Financial Crisis of 2007-9 and British Experience’, Oxonica.
- Hills, Sally, Ryland Thomas and Nicholas Dimsdale, ‘The UK recession in context-what do three centuries of data tell us?’(2010) Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin Q4, Vol 50, No4.
- Dimsdale, N.H.and Hotson, A. eds (2014), British Financial Crises since 1825, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dimsdale, N.H. and Hotson, A. (2014), Financial Crises and Economic Activity in Britain since 1825 in Dimsdale and Hotson.
- Dimsdale, N.H. and Horsewood, N. (2014), The Financial Crisis of 1931 and the Impact on the British Economy in Dimsdale and Hotson.
- Dimsdale,N.H. (2014), Monetary Trends in the UK since 1870 in Money, Prices and Wages ed M.Allen and D’Maris Coffman, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Thomas, R. and Dimsdale, N.H. (2017), Three Centuries Data Set, Bank of England, On line.
- James Cloyne, Nicholas Dimsdale and Natacha Postel-Vinay (2018), Taxes and Growth: New Narrative Evidence from Interwar Britain, NBER Working Paper 24659.
- Dimsdale, Nicholas and Ryland Thomas (2019), UK Business and Financial Cycles since 1660 Volume 1: A Narrative Overview, Palgrave Macmillan.