I studied Greek and Latin at Göttingen and Oxford (Visiting Student, Hertford College) from 1997 to 2002, graduating with the German state examination for secondary-school teachers. I then returned to Oxford for my DPhil in Greek (Corpus Christi College, 2004-2008), after which I held a Junior Research Fellowship at University College (2008-11). After three years of teaching for various Oxford colleges, I came to my current position at Queen’s in 2014. Early in 2021 I gained my ‘Habilitation’ in Göttingen, a post-doctoral degree which permits me to teach at professorial level in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. I have since held positions as acting Full Professor in Frankfurt/Main (2021) and Göttingen (2022).
At Queen’s I primarily teach Greek and Latin languages for Classical Mods and Prelims. For the Classics Faculty I occasionally teach Greek textual criticism and palaeography and host graduate seminars on Greek poetry. I am also currently supervising a DPhil student working on the use of proverbs in Aristophanes.
My research focuses on archaic and classical Greek epic, lyric and drama. In addition to the literary, linguistic and metrical aspects of the poetic works, I am interested in their textual transmission and reception in ancient and Byzantine scholarship. I also work on comparative Indo-European and Ancient Near Eastern mythology and poetics, with special emphasis on Greece and Anatolia. I have published widely in these areas, including large-scale editions, with introduction and commentary, of the pseudo-Euripidean Rhesus (De Gruyter 2014) and Pindar’s First Pythian Ode (De Gruyter 2023). I am currently preparing the first Oxford Classical Text of Bacchylides and a monograph on Hittite rituals and the ritual antecedents of Greek tragedy.
A full list of publications can be found here.