The College warmly congratulates Medicine graduate Becky Howitt who has been awarded the Meakins-McClaren Medal. 

The Meakins-McClaren medal is awarded to the final (6th-year) student with the most consistently excellent performance over the clinical medicine course—the final three years of the six-year medicine course.

Becky also won the George Pickering Prize for top performance in her 6th year medical finals; to win both these prizes is highly unusual and it is a testament to what a superb student Becky has been. 

Her tutor, Prof Chris O’Callaghan, said:

This highly prestigious prize cannot be won by luck or last-minute preparation as performance is assessed formally throughout the three-year course. These assessments include academic examinations as well as the evaluation of practical and other skills important in clinical medicine. Standards on the course are high and the award of this medal is a great tribute to Becky’s intelligence, hard work, and authenticity.

Becky also won the George Pickering prize for the top performance in the final sixth year examinations. To win both these prizes is truly remarkable and a testament to Becky’s talents and application. Beyond all this, Becky is a wonderfully kind and caring person, quite unaffected by her success. I am sure that she will be a superb doctor.