For two weeks, between 6th and 19th January, our student callers will take to the telephones to speak to Old Members about life after Queen’s, share College experiences, and seek careers advice.
While the telethon serves as a chance to update Old Members about all the latest Queen’s news and events, it also provides an opportunity to ask for support for the Queen’s Fund, which seeks to raise unrestricted funds from both existing donors and new donors. Donations to this Fund ensure that the College can respond appropriately to the areas of greatest need in the College and deliver the best possible experience for Queen’s students.
Meet our callers
Nikita (Jurisprudence, 2023)

I’m Niki and I’m a second-year Law student at Queen’s. In College I’m involved in the JCR as the Charities Rep, meaning I organise the donations for the term and some Saturday formals. I also love participating in the termly 5th Week Blues event in the BC and being Vice President of Queen’s Law Society. My favourite thing about Queen’s, beyond the friends I’ve made here, is the Upper Library – it’s such a beautiful place to romanticise your work. I’m looking forward to being part of the Telethon and raising money for access and outreach so that more students get the opportunity to study here.
Elyse (Biology, 2021)

I’m Elyse, a fourth-year Biologist. At Queen’s, I’m the social secretary for QCAFC, and previously acted as JCR arts rep in my 3rd year. Outside of College, I am very involved with the Mixed Martial Arts Club, also as social secretary. I have a weekly radio show on Oxide Student Radio as well. My favourite thing about Queen’s is the diversity in the community – everyone has something different to offer and it really fosters a wonderful environment for both personal and academic development.
Sam (French and German, 2024)

Hi! I’m Sam, a first-year studying French and German. I’m a bit of a theatre animal, so love getting involved in student productions and am very excited for Queen’s annual musical in Trinity term! My favourite thing about Queen’s has to be the meals – not just because of the food but also because catching up with friends in hall is such a great way to start – and end – the day and spur each other on!
Rachael (Ancient and Modern History, 2022)

My name is Rachael and I’m a third-year reading Ancient and Modern History. I’m currently the JCR Arts Rep, Women*Soc President and a College Outreach Ambassador. Previous positions I’ve held include History Society Co-President and undergraduate representative for History (both Ancient and Modern). I’ve recently taken up coxing with QCBC but have tried a variety of sports in my time at Oxford—most notably, Taekwondo and swing dancing. There are a lot of amazing things about Queen’s, but my favourite is how welcoming the environment is: when I first arrived, I felt at home right away and that feeling has carried me throughout my time here.
Cheryl (MSc Law and Finance, 2024)

The Queen’s College is breathtakingly beautiful, from the symmetrical Front Quad to the Upper Library. My favourite spot is the garden adjacent to the Shulman Auditorium – a perfect place to soak up the sun when you can.
Isabella (English and German, 2023)

I’m a second-year undergrad, studying English and German. I enjoy all things film at Oxford; I love going to screenings and getting involved with student journalism. What I appreciate about Queen’s is its dedication to language students. The College provides a lot of support and events for us and has cultivated a great community as a result.
Anna (MSt History of Art and Visual Culture, 2024)

I am a master’s student studying the History of Art and Visual Culture. Previously, I worked as a commercial lawyer in Canberra, Australia. My undergraduate degrees were in Art History, Curatorship and Law. I am particularly interested in intercultural exchange in modernist design. In my free time I enjoy swimming, dancing salsa and reading poetry.
Wilfred (Biochemistry, 2022)

I am Wilfred, a third-year Biochemist. I am involved with College football at Queen’s. My favourite thing about Queen’s is the Oxmas celebration with our Oxmas dinner, the fun Michaelmas end-of-term event, and our beautiful Christmas tree!
Phoebe (MSc Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience, 2024)

Hello, I’m Phoebe and I’m a master’s student studying Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience. I also studied at Queen’s for my undergraduate degree in Neuroscience. I have loved my time at Queen’s, especially the friendly and supportive community and the wonderful opportunities I have been given in College and across the University, from sports teams to welfare roles.
Victoria (French and German, 2023)

I’m Victoria and I’m a second-year French and German student. Aside from my degree, I’m involved in activities such as writing and editing for Cherwell, working for Oxford Student Publications Limited, and playing clarinet in Queen’s orchestra. My favourite part about Queen’s is definitely the community aspect. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!
Kit (History and English, 2023)

Hi there! I’m Kit, a second-year studying History and English. Outside of trudging through the strange amount of genuinely awful 18th century satirical poetry there apparently is, I’m involved with the arts scene in the University – I’m currently the director and treasurer for the Oxford Revue, the comedy troupe that produced Monty Python, Stewart Lee, Sally Phillips and Rowan Atkinson, to name a few. My first entrance into the arts scene was actually doing a live read through of A Winter’s Tale around Queen’s during my first term, which (irritatingly, because it was literally the first extracurricular thing I did in Oxford) will probably be my favourite memory of my entire time at university.
Neil (Medicine, 2022)

I am a third-year medical student. I play for the College rugby team, QCRFC, I’m the treasurer for the Queen’s College Medical Society (QCMS), and I get involved in various cross-country running events in Oxford throughout the academic year, including the Town and Gown 10k. My favourite things about Queen’s are its friendly atmosphere and the fact that there is a wide range of spaces in which to study and socialise.