The Queen’s College has a long teaching tradition in Mathematics. There are two-full time Mathematics Fellows, neither of which are endowed.
In December 2020, the College was saddened to learn of the death of Dr Peter Neumann OBE, Old Member (Maths, 1959) and Emeritus Fellow. Queen’s now seeks to raise support and funds to endow the Mathematic Fellowship in celebration of the life and work of Dr Neumann and his contribution to College.
The cost to endow this post at Queen’s is £2.5 million, with around £700,000 raised in cash and pledges to date. Following the formal launch of this fund at the Subject dinner for Mathematicians (June, 2022), we hope that that many more Maths Old Members, and those who knew Peter in one of his other College Officerships, would seek to join those already supporting this fund and help us secure this post in perpetuity.
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