If something in your room or building needs repairing you should follow these procedures.
For issues relating to the fabric of the building such as walls, doors, lighting, windows, plumbing or heating contact the Steward who will check it and report it to the Clerk of Works department (maintenance) as required. Steward’s Office: steward-office@queens.ox.ac.uk or 01865 279133.
For issues relating to the furnishings of the building such as beds, chairs, desks, curtains, carpets or if you identify a pest infestation you should contact the Steward (as above).
Emergencies out of hours should be referred to the Lodge in the first instance. Queen’s College Lodge: Lodge@queens.ox.ac.uk or 01865 279120. (You should cc the Steward in the email.)
Full details can be found in the Service Level Agreement below.