Each year we ask our student leavers to tell us their favourite memories of Queen’s. Please find a collection of their thoughts below.

What is your favourite Queen’s memory?

The amazing Maths tutors and after-dinner games of Croquet in Front Quad!

The feeling of wonder walking through the gates of Queen’s on my first day.

Finding out the College was the shooting spot for one of my favourite Bollywood movies!

Reciting Shakespeare to my neighbour from a 2nd floor window in lockdown.

Very helpful and supportive tutors throughout the years.

Fun times with my friends and thought-provoking tutorials with my tutors.

All three libraries.

Studying in the beautiful library and occasionally going to the gym to freshen up…on repeat.

Amazing people!

Having coffees in the common room, sitting around talking about everything and nothing.

Singing in the choir.

Every dinner with my friends in hall.

Sitting on the steps in Front Quad during Trinity Term, enjoying the sun and doing some reading!

Amazing food.

Walking around and seeing friendly faces all the time.