Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides a right of access to information held by public authorities such as The Queen’s College. With certain exceptions under the Act, the College is required to publish information about itself and its activities, or otherwise to make the information available. Our Freedom of Information Publication Scheme below is a guide to information the College has published or intends to publish, and where to find it. Please consult the Scheme to find out whether the information you require is already available.

Any person or body who makes a request in writing to the College for access to recorded information must be informed whether the College holds that information and be supplied with it, subject to the application of various exemptions specified within the Act. If the information you seek is not already available, you may request that the College provide it by submitting a FOI request form to the College’s Information Officer. The College will ordinarily respond within 20 days of receipt of your form. A fee may be applicable.

Freedom of Information Act 2000 Publication Scheme

The following publication scheme is for The Queen’s College in the University of Oxford. It follows the standard format required by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) from January 2009. It sets out what information the College publishes or intends to publish, how the information can be accessed and whether or not a charge will be made for it. The Information Officer is responsible for maintaining the scheme on behalf of the College.

The purpose of the scheme is to give a clear indication of which College publications are routinely accessible, so that the public can be informed as far as reasonably possible of the purpose and nature of college activities, and to assist in developing a greater culture of openness in general. Through the scheme, the College endeavours to be as transparent as possible about its activities, while at the same time recognising that there are exemptions within the Act.

All material associated with the definitions in the classes contained in the scheme are available either in hard copy, electronically or via the College website.

In accordance with the Information Commissioner’s guidance for higher education institutions our publication scheme sets out the following classes of information.

You can find out more by using the links in this section of the website.

The Information Officer is responsible for maintaining the scheme on behalf of the College.

It is important to us that this Publication Scheme meets your needs. If you find the scheme difficult to understand, please let us know. We also welcome suggestions as to how the scheme might be improved. Any questions, comments, or complaints about this scheme should be sent in writing to:

Information Officer
The Queen’s College

The College reserves the right to make a charge for printed copies of some documents available on the website to cover administrative costs.

Information which falls into the following categories is not published as part of the scheme:

• the College does not hold the information;
• the information is exempt under one of the FOI exemptions or Environmental Information Regulations (EIRs) exceptions, or its release is prohibited under another statute;
• the information is archived, out of date or otherwise inaccessible;
• it would be impractical or resource-intensive to prepare the material for routine release.


The Queen’s College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford. It was founded in 1341. You can learn more about the College’s history on this website. The College is a registered charity (no. 1142553).

You can learn more about the College’s history here.


The College is situated on the High Street in the centre of Oxford. On this website you can find maps and directions.


The Provost and various Fellows form the Governing Body of the College. The College is constituted and regulated in accordance with the College Statutes, which are made from time to time by order of Her Majesty in Council in accordance with the Royal Charter of 17 March 1926, and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1923. The College Bylaws are additional rules made by the Governing Body. The Governing Body has responsibility for the direction and management of the affairs of the College.

Organisational and committee structure

The College has a number of committees that report to Governing Body to enable Governing Body to make informed decisions.

Services we offer

The objects of the foundation upon which the College is based are to maintain a College for the advancement of education and research and the advancement of religion. The objects of the College are:

  • The advancement of education and research for the benefit of the public, in a range of subject areas as determined from time to time by its Governing Body (as defined in Statute III), including through: (a) the provision of teaching, supervision, accommodation and other forms of support for undergraduate and graduate students; and (b) the provision of a Library which shall include works for consultation by qualified scholars.
  • The advancement of religion for the benefit of the public, including through the provision of a Chapel affiliated with the Church of England and through the holding of services and associated events.

This website contains information about undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions (see also the Oxford University graduate prospectus), and details of the facilities and services we offer to current students including welfare provision. The undergraduate handbook and graduate handbook are also available for download.

Information about the research undertaken by individual Fellows, Tutors and lecturers is available in the Fellows & Academics section of the website.

Information about Old Member services and fund-raising is available on this website.

The Chapel is a place of public worship and all are welcome to attend the regular services held in term time.

Subsidiary companies

Queen’s operates two wholly owned companies which help to support the College’s core activities of education and research. The Queen’s College Oxford Trading Limited primarily provides letting of the College facilities for conference and other events when not in use by the College. The Queen’s College Oxford Developments Limited provides design and development services in respect of the College’s buildings. Both companies donate any profits to the College through Gift Aid.


General contact details for the College
All people

Document Formats and fees

Printed versions of all documents produced by Queen’s College and referred to on this page are available. A fee may be charged.



The College’s annual accounts are available here:

2024 accounts

Salaries and benefits

College salaries are in accordance with Oxford University salary scales. You can find out information about benefits and other staff policies in the Employee Handbook.

Fees and charges

Undergraduate fees, charges and available support are all described on the financial support pages of this website. There is a similar resource for information on postgraduate finance, including fees, charges and available support.

Oversight and responsibility

The College’s Estates & Finance Committee advises Governing Body on the management of the College’s financial resources. These Committees are supported by the Bursary.

Document Formats and fees

Printed versions of all documents produced by Queen’s College and referred to on this page are available. A fee may be charged.

The Governing Body of The Queen’s College comprises the Provost and various Fellows. It is constituted and regulated in accordance with the Statutes, which are made from time to time by order of Her Majesty in Council in accordance with the Royal Charter of 17 March 1926, and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1923. The Governing Body has responsibility for the direction and management of the affairs of the College.

The Governing Body makes decisions with the help of College committees.

Decisions are made in accordance with the College’s Bylaws. The College’s charitable objects underpin its decisions.

Decisions are made in the context of intercollegiate policy decisions agreed amongst the Conference of Colleges and of the overall structure and governance of the University.

The handbook for junior members and the Employee Handbook explain how decisions concerning these members of the community are made.

A diagram of the management structure of the College is available in pdf format.

Records of decisions

The College’s annual accounts record financial and strategic decisions. Key decisions about the operation of the College are recorded in the minutes of Governing Body.

Document formats and fees

Printed versions of all documents produced by Queen’s College and referred to on this page are available. A fee may be charged.

College Objects

The objects of the foundation upon which the College is based are to maintain a College for the advancement of education and research and the advancement of religion. The objects of the College are:

  • The advancement of education and research for the benefit of the public, in a range of subject areas as determined from time to time by its Governing Body (as defined in Statute III), including through: (a) the provision of teaching, supervision, accommodation and other forms of support for undergraduate and graduate students; and (b) the provision of a Library which shall include works for consultation by qualified scholars.
  • The advancement of religion for the benefit of the public, including through the provision of a Chapel affiliated with the Church of England and through the holding of services and associated events.

How we are doing

The College’s annual accounts show how the College is performing financially.

The central University also publishes an Annual Review.

Document formats and fees

Printed versions of all documents produced by Queen’s College and referred to on this page are available. A fee may be charged.

Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority.

This includes lists of registers of testing and inspection, e.g. lifts and hoists, electrical and gas installations, scaffolding, water legionella testing, etc. This information is only available in hard copy.

The College’s primary purpose is as a place of teaching and research. We are a community of tutors, students, and researchers committed to the highest academic standards. Information on our admission policies, including widening access, can be found in our admissions pages. You will also find details of undergraduate courses of study and graduate subject areas.

For information regarding services for current students, including accommodation, welfare and IT support, please see our current students pages.

In conjunction with the University the College offers generous bursaries and scholarships to assist students who might not otherwise be able to afford an Oxford education. More information on student funding is available on the University website.

Information on current research undertaken by our Fellows and lecturers is available in our academic community pages.

The College Library is available to current students, Tutors and lecturers 24 hours a day, and to others who wish to use it for research by arrangement with the Librarian.

The College Archives are available to the general public for purposes of research by appointment with the Archivist.

The College’s Chapel is a place of public worship and we publish service times and dates on our website and on a Chapel term card available from the Lodge.

Services for Old Members are organised by the Old Members’ Office. Please see the Old Members’ pages for details of their programme of events.

The College publishes a College Record in December and a Newsletter in summer. Copies of both of these documents are available from the Old Members’ Office.

The College’s facilities are available for public hire. Details are available on the Conferences section of this website.

Document formats and fees

Printed versions of all documents produced by Queen’s College and referred to on this page are available. A fee may be charged.