The DEADLINE for applications is FRIDAY 21st February 2025 by 11:55pm at the latest.

If you would like to stay in College accommodation later than the end of this term, from Saturday 15th March, or return earlier than the beginning of Trinity Term on Wednesday 23rd April at a cost of £19.00 per night, you need to apply for permission, even if you have exams, by completing an online request, using your single sign on account, at:

Online Vacation Residence Form – Easter 2025

The vacation residence application period will take place in 5th week, beginning at 8am on Sunday 16th February and ending at 11.55pm on Friday 21st February 2025. It will not be possible to obtain permission after this deadline unless there are exceptional, unforeseen circumstances.  You will be informed by the end of 6th week whether you have been granted vacation residence permission or not. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Each day of vacation residence booked will be charged to your battels at £19.00 per day.

You are reminded that there is no automatic right to stay in College and further details of the College’s Policies and Procedures regarding Vacation Residence can be found in the College Regulations, together with information on the limited storage available in College during vacations:
Regulations for Junior Members – The Queen’s College, Oxford (sections 10 and 11)

Being unaware of vacation rules and/or dates is not a justification for failing to adhere to the rules or applying late. Full term dates can be found at http://www.ox.ac.uk/about/facts-and-figures/dates-of-term

When applying, you will need to have a clear reason for staying according to the Regulations. You may be asked to provide evidence to support the reason.

Students with final exams applying for vacation residence, please read the document ‘Vacation Residence – Extra Information for Finalists’ received by email in 4th week.

Even if you are given permission to stay up or return early, there is no guarantee that you will be allocated your term time room over the vacation.


Storage facilities, 2 boxes each, may be available for international students only (access to storage rooms is Monday to Friday):

  • in Cardo by arrangement with the caretaker and Steward 
  • in St. Aldate’s House by arrangement with the Steward
  • in Main College and Carrodus Quad by arrangement with the Steward

The Steward: Mrs Sue Tutty susan.tutty@queens.ox.ac.uk

The College encourages you to develop a study and revision programme for the vacation, to plan for this during the term and to gather the material that you need to take home to do this work.

You can access many electronic resources remotely, including most of the University’s electronic literature resources.

Most UK universities operate a reciprocal system which allows you to use local university libraries during vacations. Your eduroam wi-fi credentials will work in most UK and many foreign universities – see http://help.it.ox.ac.uk/network/wireless/services/eduroam/index .



Information regarding the catering during the Easter Vacation will be sent out later by the end of term.


All College Members will be kept fully informed via the “Library Opening Hours” page of the website, noticeboards, via email and Instagram. The Library team will be on hand to provide assistance should you need it – just come to the enquiries desk or drop into the office.

If you have any problems accessing the online form please contact it-support@queens.ox.ac.uk and if you have any queries regarding the questions on the online form please email accommodation.office@queens.ox.ac.uk  prior to the deadline.