During Term
We have two Old Member guestrooms that can be booked during term-time via the Lodge or the Old Members’ Office.
One is a twin room, with en suite in Back Quad; the other is a very basic single room, with shared bathroom facilities (NB access is via a steep staircase). Rates includes breakfast in Hall.
No payment is required for these rooms when booking, instead you will be invoiced the month following your stay for payment via bank transfer.
Please be advised that we can only welcome guests over the age of 18.
During Vacation
College bedrooms are mostly occupied by private function and conference guests, including the two Old Member guest rooms. Occasionally student bedrooms (single and twin) are available over the Easter and Summer vacations and can be booked for bed and breakfast. Old Members are welcome to enquire about room availability, but dates are often limited.
Email the Old Members Office with your visit dates. If a room is available we will confirm the room rate (commercial rate, with a discount applied for Old Members). We will then provide a link to complete your booking and payment online.
All stays are for a maximum of three nights and under 18s are not allowed in B&B rooms.