Queen’s runs a busy diary of Old Member events which you can check out in our online events diary.
All our events are a great opportunity to reconnect with Queen’s, the people you met here, and hear about the research our academics are working on.
There is the annual Old Members’ Dinner in mid-September, the Provost’s Lecture in November, our London Reception in mid-May, Queen’s Women’s Network events throughout the year, and most summers a College Garden Party for all the family. Plus we host Subject Reunions as well as events in the North of England, the US, and Old Member hot spots in Europe.
A bit further down the line you will also be invited to Year Group Reunions: the Ten Years Later Lunch after (surprise!) 10 years, the Needle and Thread Gaudy around 17-20 years after matriculation, and the famous Boar’s Head Gaudy a few years further on. (Keep an eye on the annual College Record – that’s where we publish the matriculation years for the next five upcoming gaudies).
It was a happy coincidence that an old Queen’s friend told me that PPE dinner was happening while I was in the UK, and I’m glad I came along. Stepping back into that time of your life – the sounds, the smells, the hallways – It was great to relive and enjoy the company of old and new friends who shared that same curiosity about the world.
Ian Lai (PPE, 2015)